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Welcome to the SLU Research Internal Grant Portal. Below you can find information on upcoming grants as well as apply for grants that are currently accepting applications.

Note: The "Submit Now" option will still be present on this landing page even after a successful submission of your application. After successfully submitting your application, you should receive a confirmation email and clicking the "Submit Now" link will direct you to a read-only copy of your application.

SLU Affiliated Users:

If you have never logged into Openwater, you will need to set up an Openwater account. To do this please click "My Account" in the top right of the page. When creating your account, you NEED to use your firstname.lastname@slu.edu or firstname.lastname@health.slu.edu to sign up. Once you have entered in the necessary information, click "Register."

For returning users, olease login using the Email/Password fields on the left side of your screen. Please use a SLU email address with the following format: firstname.lastname@slu.edu or firstname.lastname@health.slu.edu. If users have received an email from SLU RSG or Openwater with a new Openwater password, that Openwater password can be used to login the first time.  The Openwater password can be changed using the Change Password function on the Openwater homepage.

If users have not received such an email, or their Openwater password is not working, keep the email login with the following format: firstname.lastname@slu.edu or firstname.lastname@health.slu.edu, and use the Lost Password? function to have the system reset the Openwater password. Users will receive an email with a link to reset their Openwater password. Note that Openwater passwords are not the same as your SLUnet passwords.

All user applications and evaluation content will be accessible, even if users have used a different login email in the past. 

*Please Note* - Do not attempt to sign in using a SLUnet ID. For example, Jane Smith will sign in with jane.smith@slu.edu or jane.smith@health.slu.edu, NOT with jsmith or jsmith1. 

For Non-SLU Affiliated Applicants/Reviewers:

Please login using the Email/Password fields on the left side of the screen.
If you do not have an account, please click "My Account" on the top right to create your user account.


Program Applications Open Applications Close Submit Link
2024-2025 School of Medicine Research Opportunity Fund December 20,2024 Rolling Submit Now
2024 SLU - MO S&T Collaborative Seed Grants Cycle 2 August 1,2024 March 1,2025 Submit Now
Scholarship Opportunity Fund     July 1, 2024 Rolling Submit Now   
2025 National Science Foundation Innovations in Graduate Education  February 6,2025 February 21,2025 Submit Now
2024  Doubling Discovery-Just In Time Matching Grant May 1, 2024 Rolling Submit Now
2025 College of Arts and Sciences: The Collaborative for Humanistic Inquiry Faculty Research Award Program  February 1,2025 March3,2025 5pm CST Submit Now
2025 William T. Grant Scholars Program   January, 27, 2025 March 31, 2025  Submit Now